As a software engineer, I'm quite skeptical about the advancements of AI in recent times. AI can code and debug bad code, and can make design decisions as well which can lead to lower the dependency on human developers. I can foresee a reduction in the count of developers at companies, whose work would primarily be making architecture decisions and debugging code built by AI. Humans, even though smart and sophisticated, are limited by fatigue, loss of memory which impacts efficiency and this is something that AI would not be impacted by.

Last Sunday, I spent time cooking for my friends and slept late that night which made me tired across the Monday and I filled for it by sleeping extra hours on Monday. Today, its Tuesday and I feel energetic but I'm pleased by the need to sleep that humans have. Even though it makes us unproductive/inefficient, it is what is meant to be. Humans are not meant to be robots, who can work 24/7 without complaining. Sleeping, is a way of leaving this reality to unconsciously meet your creator. Even though the body is at rest, the soul is working.

AI will surely steal our jobs, but it is an ally that solves redundant and dangerous jobs. It can fix most of our everyday problems, while we work on the ultimate goal of life.

An interesting comment I found on reddit-
I knew ChatGPT was gonna make my job easier just didn’t realize how much easier. All those weird technical blockers that took up 80% of my time before mostly melt away when an LLM can walk me through most things. So now I focus more on creative problem solving and other things ChatGPT is bad at. Much harder to restructure thousands of engineers than to ‘let them go’ and have them reapply under the new structure. With inflation the way it is only way to slow it down is reduce the rate of spending or increase productivity which is a fun job for the executives but necessary to reduce the impact of the upcoming recession

I fully expect that the most valuable tech skills will be the ability to formulate a product vision and write the user stories required to build and elaborate on that product. The team of coders? Replaced by AI.
That will unleash a flood of new and innovative new products and services. Disruptive for sure but overall a very good thing.

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